When most people think about social media, they typically think of businesses, brands and companies [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
When most people think about social media, they typically think of businesses, brands and companies [Read More]
For any business today, no matter how big or how small, social media plays a very important [Read More]
Remember when companies were breathlessly touting their social media marketing strategies as proof [Read More]
Today more than ever, companies are under pressure to be good corporate citizens. They are expected [Read More]
A few days ago, I googled “the death of traditional marketing” just for fun and I must admit I was [Read More]
Once you’ve created a new blog post or other piece of editorial content, your job is not over. You [Read More]
When it comes to Instagram, people like to use the term “organic growth” to describe the slow, [Read More]
For brands and small businesses, YouTube offers a number of different opportunities for monetization [Read More]
If you own a business in the 21st century, you've noticed that social media presence is now a must. [Read More]
Noted branding expert David Brier called me the other day in a panic to tell me: “My book was [Read More]
If you want to know where the modern Internet is headed, it’s always worthwhile to check out the [Read More]
Voice-first technology is changing how consumers and businesses search for things they need. It's [Read More]
Facebook has apparently shaken off its early-year malaise and is now ramping up a new growth [Read More]
Over the past year, I’ve seen traffic to my website Wicky Design explode by using one tool - [Read More]
Social media marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the smartest people around. He’s always on top [Read More]
One of the best ways of coming up with a killer content marketing strategy and boosting your brand [Read More]
Ever since Instagram Stories debuted, this feature has been a big hit with Instagram users, enabling [Read More]
The influencer marketing trend appears to be picking up speed, according to a new report by Linqia, [Read More]
The media today is a multi-faceted beast. The world is moving away from outlets like newspapers into [Read More]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become part of the business landscape. It's now accepted as a [Read More]
Part of owning and operating a successful blog is understanding the myriad of creative ways that you [Read More]
The conventional wisdom in today’s digital marketing circles is that the cold call is outdated as a [Read More]
As you know, social media is one of the most powerful tools in a startups toolbox. It’s a great way [Read More]
Social media has the potential to be one of the most powerful marketing tools ever created, but only [Read More]
One of the hottest areas of digital marketing these days involves the use of “influencers” who can [Read More]