The social media usage habits of millennials continue to change – and so your social media marketing [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
The social media usage habits of millennials continue to change – and so your social media marketing [Read More]
Steve Jobs once said: "Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, [Read More]
With Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica scandal in the news recently, it’s perhaps no surprise [Read More]
It has been repeated so many times by now by just about everyone, but America is a divided nation [Read More]
It’s coming on May 25, and it has the potential to completely overturn everything that you do with [Read More]
In 2006, TIME Magazine awarded the coveted “Person Of the Year” cover to us, the consumer of [Read More]
In less than a year, the #MeToo movement became a global phenomenon. On social media, it became a [Read More]
A funny thing happened when Facebook tweaked its newsfeed algorithm last year – all the other social [Read More]
The good news is that Facebook released – with much fanfare – its new Community Standards. The [Read More]
In order to build strong customer loyalty, you have to build a relationship based on trust. As a [Read More]
While many people still think of Instagram as a photo-sharing app, there have been a number of major [Read More]
As technology evolves, so does the way we do our business. In this era of the internet, every market [Read More]
Until now, social media has been a largely self-regulated – and some might even say unregulated – [Read More]
The increase in influencer marketing budgets shows that this is becoming a rapidly increasing [Read More]
If you think about it, the amount of attention paid to President Donald Trump’s Twitter account is [Read More]
If you’re a small business or brand owner looking to promote an upcoming event, there’s a lot that [Read More]
In the world of social media, the number of followers you have matters. So does the number of likes [Read More]
The future is a scary thought for most CMOs. Market conditions change rapidly, and technology [Read More]
Right now, social media companies like Facebook and Twitter would probably rather not be involved in [Read More]
Communication has always been the basic need of every human being. That’s why social networks are so [Read More]
For young teens using social media, cyberbullying is a surprisingly pervasive problem. According to [Read More]
According to the conventional wisdom, Snapchat is being abandoned in droves by young millennials, [Read More]
Facebook once looked invincible - it was the world’s most popular social network and user growth [Read More]
Internet marketing is always changing. The share of traffic, effectiveness of campaigns, and amount [Read More]
Ever since 2015, Google and Facebook have been locked in an epic struggle to see which one can [Read More]