For many restaurants, social media has become an important part of growing their clientele and [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
For many restaurants, social media has become an important part of growing their clientele and [Read More]
A popular saying in the health and wellness community is “everything in moderation”. Too much of a [Read More]
In 2017, Facebook has taken a much more proactive stance towards getting brands involved in events [Read More]
When most people think of YouTube, they usually think of it purely as an entertainment platform – a [Read More]
With customers and online users opting for ad-blocking whenever they can, native advertising takes [Read More]
While one of the biggest marketing blunders in history was the White Star Line advertising the [Read More]
Ninety one percent of people with internet connection check their emails daily. That's why mailing [Read More]
At the very end of 2016, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sent out a brief tweet, asking the users of Twitter [Read More]
With well over one billion users and projected net U.S. video ad revenues of $2.59 billion in 2017, [Read More]
Customer Acquisition Cost, or CAC generally refers to sales and marketing costs that are incurred in [Read More]
There’s one easy way to jump-start your Twitter presence that most marketers tend to overlook [Read More]
Congratulations, you’ve just survived one of the most divisive political seasons in recent memory. [Read More]
The holiday travel season can be a stressful one if you’re flying across the country, encountering [Read More]
The concept of the Secret Santa – in which people receive random gifts from a “secret” admirer or [Read More]
The winter holidays offer a great opportunity for brands to experiment with content marketing. It’s [Read More]
Marketers everywhere are expected to do much more with much less money in the marketing budget. When [Read More]