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Your company may have an online blog, a Facebook fan page and an active Twitter account — but does it have a podcast? With the phenomenal growth of mobile and the introduction of new consumer behaviors (e.g. the whole concept of “bingeing” on content), one interesting way to set your business apart from others and grow your social media audience at the same time is by getting into podcasting. Here are three good reasons why you really need to start a podcast in 2021.
#1: Reach your mobile demographic
Perhaps the best reason to start a new podcast is to reach your mobile audience. After all, users are far more likely to consume a podcast on their mobile device (either smartphone or tablet) than on their laptop or PC. In fact, the most recent data suggests that 64% of all podcasts are consumed on a mobile device like a tablet.
That’s because podcasts are so easy to find and subscribe to using a service like iTunes. If you’re an iPhone user, for example, your iPhone already has a built-in “Podcasts” app that enables you to download and stream podcasts. The app makes it easy to search by topic and find one that appeals to you.
#2: Super-charge your influencer marketing
Another reason to launch a podcast (or its cousin, the “vlog” or video blog) is to get in touch with influencers in your industry. Think about it — what exactly are you going to talk about every week for 30 minutes on your podcast? Maybe you’re a gifted talker, or maybe you’re really into stream-of-consciousness thinking, but most listeners want some form of structure when they listen to a podcast. One easy way to create that structure is by inviting people onto your podcast show and interviewing them.
Voila! Your influencers are coming directly to you. Think of your podcast as an interview show designed specifically for people in your industry. Watch your favorite late night TV show hosts – note how they transform their interview subjects into the stars of the show. That should be your role with the influencers — you’re guiding them and getting them to talk about topics that are fascinating for your company’s customers.
#3: Build relationships with your customers
If you listen to talk radio shows, you’ll notice how passionate many of the listeners are. On ESPN Radio, for example, it’s often the same people calling in, as they grow more and more comfortable with the hosts. And people who normally wouldn’t call suddenly feel like it’s a normal everyday thing to do. There’s even a certain lingo for that – “First time, long time” – as in “first time I’ve called in, but I’ve been a long-time listener.”
Remember — many people are listening to your podcasts during specific periods of the day, and your podcast can become a habit. Just as people used to have a favorite disk jockey during the “drive time” period of commuting to and from work, they are now listening to podcasts and developing relationships with podcast hosts. So by starting a podcast, you are making it easier for your customers to build relationships with you. And who knows, maybe those relationships will eventually turn into sales?
So there are three very good reasons to start a new podcast in 2017. You’ll boost your mobile strategy, super-charge your influencer strategy and build one-on-one relationships with your most passionate and informed customers.