Something very remarkable happened with Tara Reade and her sexual harassment allegations against [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
Something very remarkable happened with Tara Reade and her sexual harassment allegations against [Read More]
When the #MeToo hashtag originally appeared on social media in October 2017 with a tweet from [Read More]
As a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there have already been various ideas and [Read More]
Like it or not, the coronavirus pandemic is paving the way for a potentially dystopian digital [Read More]
Most people probably don’t realize this, but several years ago, we reached a tipping point in terms [Read More]
If you listen to many social media experts, you might walk away with the conclusion that it’s close [Read More]
For the past several months, tens of millions of Americans have turned to social media for possible [Read More]
If you think about it, much of modern advertising is really just a clever illusion. For 30 or 60 [Read More]
Across the United States, school has been canceled and all education has gone online. It doesn’t [Read More]
Over the past decade, social media has done more than just upend the traditional media ecosystem and [Read More]
There’s no other way to put it – the coronavirus pandemic has been an epic disaster for the world of [Read More]
Heading into Month Two of the worldwide economic lockdown, it’s obvious that the coronavirus [Read More]
With a growing number of social media influencers promoting everything from beauty products to fad [Read More]
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the government’s strict order to shelter in place, individuals [Read More]
After years of hearing about all the perils of social media, there’s finally some good news about [Read More]
In recent years, online trolls have become one of the biggest problems faced by social media [Read More]
It’s getting harder and harder to ignore the fact that social media has a political bias problem. At [Read More]
In a limited test, Twitter is debuting the introduction of content that disappears in 24 hours. This [Read More]
Most people probably recognize Joe Rogan as the former TV host of “Fear Factor” or as a standup [Read More]
You have to give Twitter credit – they’re trying to get ahead of the whole “deepfake” controversy by [Read More]
Since January 2019, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has spent more money on digital [Read More]
The 2020 presidential election is shaping up to be a fascinating experiment in the use of social [Read More]
When it comes to contagious diseases like the coronavirus, social media can be much more than just a [Read More]
Under mounting criticism of its data privacy policies, Facebook is finally scaling back some of the [Read More]
Something very interesting is happening in Washington, D.C. these days. Lawmakers from both sides of [Read More]