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If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, you’ve probably wondered how you could get more followers on Instagram and attract a bigger audience for your products. You’ve probably seen stories about how some new products have gone viral on Instagram, or how certain trendy brands have become favorites of top celebrities. Well, the good news is that you don’t have to resort to any unsavory tactics (like buying followers outright) in order to achieve success on Instagram. Keep reading for 5 easy ways to get more followers on Instagram…
1 – Cross-promote your Instagram account everywhere
If you’re really serious about growing your Instagram audience, then you’ll need to cross-promote your Instagram account everywhere – both online and offline. Does your business card include details about your Instagram account? Does your website have social sharing buttons for Instagram? Does your weekly email newsletter include links and/or updates from your Instagram account?
2 – Post content on a regular schedule
Thanks to the proliferation of social media tools and dashboards out there, it’s possible to develop a regular posting schedule for your Instagram account. That way, you don’t have to worry about having a great idea for an Instagram post every day of the week – you’ll already have a calendar of great content lined up and ready to go. You don’t need to post each and every day, but followers should know that they can count on receiving content from you on a regular basis.
3 – Use the right hashtags
One way that people find your content on Instagram is via hashtags. That’s why so many posts seem to be stuffed full of hashtags these days. But don’t fall into the trap of using the “wrong” hashtags. If a hashtag is too popular, it will fail. (Consider that the hashtag #love has now been used in over 184 million photos on Instagram, and you can see why this is true) And if the hashtag is too obscure, it will also fail. You need to be using the hashtags that your customers are using, or that your industry is using.
4 – Be authentic
Not every Instagram post has to be linked to a specific business goal. Many people mistakenly believe that Instagram is just another form of advertising. But it’s not – it’s a source of community, a new form of media, and a way of connecting with people. So don’t be afraid to bring a smile to the face of your followers by posting funny memes, inspirational quotes, or interesting photos just because. Treat your followers like friends and acquaintances, not like “candidates” or “prospects.”
5 – Reward your brand advocates
If you’re looking for posts to go viral, then you’re going to need a strong army of brand advocates. These are people on Instagram who are willing to promote your products because they love them. So show them a little love in return – hold regular contests to reward them, showcase some of their best content in your Instagram newsfeed, and give them plenty of “behind the scenes” access so that they can create the most compelling content possible.
Final thought
By following the above five tactics, you will help to increase not just your Instagram follower count, but also your reach and influence online. You will have REAL followers – the types of people who actively share and comment on each post, and who love to share your content with their own friends and family.