Talk to ten different people, and you’ll probably get ten different answers for what “social [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
Talk to ten different people, and you’ll probably get ten different answers for what “social [Read More]
With the coronavirus pandemic showing no signs of subsiding, and with more mask mandates and [Read More]
The field of “social selling” continues to change and evolve, according to the needs of those doing [Read More]
Becoming a social business doesn’t happen overnight. After all, just launching a new Facebook page [Read More]
Social selling, which can best be defined as the use of social media to boost sales performance, is [Read More]
The conventional wisdom in today’s digital marketing circles is that the cold call is outdated as a [Read More]
In just about any industry where consumer tastes and perceptions matter more than the underlying [Read More]
Social proof may have been updated for the social media era, but it’s a concept that’s been around [Read More]