For the better part of two years, the battle over free speech on social media has increased in [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
For the better part of two years, the battle over free speech on social media has increased in [Read More]
In what has been described as the biggest hack of Twitter ever, unknown cyber assailants took over [Read More]
As much as the big social media platforms – such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – try to make [Read More]
In the COVID-19 era, misinformation seems to be everywhere. This includes bogus information about [Read More]
Over the past decade, social media has exerted more influence than you might think on the financial [Read More]
Now that the debate over Internet censorship has gone mainstream, a new poll from Gallup and the [Read More]
On social media, the key to success is getting views and clicks, and Facebook has figured out a way [Read More]
If your business or brand really wants to leverage the full power of social media, then you need to [Read More]
In November, top baseball social media influencers, leading media personalities and Easton Diamond [Read More]
Despite all the criticism that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have received over [Read More]
Without a doubt, social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook played a major role in galvanizing [Read More]
There have been so many warnings and caveats about the future of AI, that it almost goes without [Read More]
By now, you’ve probably heard the hype about super-fast 5G networks. Listen to any of the big tech [Read More]
There’s now a growing body of research evidence to suggest that a social media detox could be good [Read More]
Facebook not only has a fake news problem – it also has a fake ads problem. Some unscrupulous [Read More]
If you’ve spent any time recently on the Instagram accounts of top celebrities and influencers, [Read More]
Here’s an interesting thought experiment: imagine for a moment that the famous Woodstock festival [Read More]
The rollout of the new Shops functionality from Facebook during the peak of a pandemic comes at a [Read More]
Keep a careful eye on Washington politicians as the coronavirus pandemic plays out. On one side, the [Read More]
Back in November 2019, Twitter said that it would not be accepting any political advertising for the [Read More]
In the coronavirus era, the phrase “wiping your phone clean” has taken on a completely new meaning. [Read More]
In many ways, the recent rule change by the NCAA – which essentially allows college athletes to [Read More]
Social media giant Twitter has been at the forefront of an interesting new work experiment. CEO Jack [Read More]
At colleges and universities across the nation, social media teams have been quickly adapting to the [Read More]
Savvy social media marketers are always on the lookout for new tools, new resources and (especially) [Read More]