2023 seems to be the year that livestream shopping on social media is going to take off. Last year, [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
2023 seems to be the year that livestream shopping on social media is going to take off. Last year, [Read More]
Increasingly, social media is changing the way fans engage with sports content. Instead of watching [Read More]
The latest social media craze is, yes, watching people eat food online. It’s a phenomenon known as [Read More]
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the government’s strict order to shelter in place, individuals [Read More]
The 2020 presidential election is shaping up to be a fascinating experiment in the use of social [Read More]
ESPN is no longer the first place sports fans go when they want to get digital video content. With [Read More]
In 2021, watching an NFL football game might be very different than it is today. Currently, if you [Read More]
Consider this jaw-dropping statistic: last year, NFL Digital Media accounted for 10 billion minutes [Read More]
Live streaming video has become a popular way for brands and small businesses to connect with [Read More]
The rise of live social platforms such as Facebook Live, Snapchat and Instagram Stories continues to [Read More]
Influencer marketing is a common method for reaching highly engaged online audiences, but many [Read More]
In just the past 12 months, live streaming has gone from something reserved for celebrities and [Read More]
It’s getting hard to keep track of all the live sports streaming deals that the major social [Read More]
It’s Spring and it’s baseball season! Major League Baseball (MLB) has always been at the forefront [Read More]
Big brands have often missed the mark entirely when it comes to leveraging the real benefits of [Read More]
It seems like everybody wants in on the streaming TV game these days. Netflix continues to re-invent [Read More]
At this year’s Super Bowl in Houston, airing a 30-second spot on FOX will set you back $5 million. [Read More]
At the very end of 2016, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sent out a brief tweet, asking the users of Twitter [Read More]
Heading into the New Year, here are three important social media trends worth keeping an eye [Read More]
By now, you’ve probably seen all the TV commercials where brands convince people that December [Read More]
According to rumors that circulated across social media in early December, President Barack Obama is [Read More]
Of all the major social media companies, Facebook is the clear leader in thinking about the ways [Read More]
If you haven’t used Instagram recently, you’re missing out on a lot. Ever since late summer, one of [Read More]
Social media has had an enormous impact on every single aspect of our lives, so it’s no surprise [Read More]