You may not be aware of it, but there’s a new movement afoot and it’s based all around the concept [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
You may not be aware of it, but there’s a new movement afoot and it’s based all around the concept [Read More]
In what is being hailed as a breakthrough move, Facebook recently opened up its immense data trove [Read More]
Ever since billionaire Elon Musk decided it was a good idea to acquire Twitter back in 2022, the [Read More]
Due to privacy concerns, Facebook continues to lose influence and sway with companies that once [Read More]
Back in 2021, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen captivated the world with her behind-the-scenes [Read More]
Something very strange is happening in Washington, D.C. these days. Media publications focused on [Read More]
Facebook and other social media platforms may be sharing some of your most sensitive and private [Read More]
Considering that many of the most popular social media platforms — including Facebook, Twitter and [Read More]
Scientific studies continue to circulate suggesting that prolonged social media usage has a good [Read More]
For many of us, it is almost impossible to imagine a time when Google did not exist. How did people [Read More]
In many ways, the original premise behind the Facebook algorithm was brilliant. With the help of [Read More]
Did you notice a change in your social media feeds starting right after the 2020 election? If so, [Read More]
Over the past decade, there has been a significant shift in the way that top U.S. government [Read More]
If there was ever a year for a breakup of the Big Tech monopoly, it’s 2022. So many factors seem to [Read More]
The following type of scenario has happened so many times that it has almost become an urban legend: [Read More]
According to just about every Internet research survey, Americans are more polarized than ever [Read More]
In addition to all the other rights that you have, you also have “the right to be forgotten.” In [Read More]
Ever since Facebook first rolled out its newsfeed algorithm back in 2009, the company has been [Read More]
For many people, there’s no such thing as “too much information” when it comes to social media. [Read More]
Within the publishing industry, the rise of social media has been a tremendously disruptive force. [Read More]
We’ve just reached a new tipping point in the news consumption habits of the nation’s youngest [Read More]
With people using social media for hours each day, it’s perhaps inevitable that there will be a link [Read More]
There’s now a growing argument to be made that social media algorithms are one of the fundamental [Read More]
The first social media revolution brought with it sweeping changes to the media landscape, new ways [Read More]
Facebook’s two-year ban of former President Donald Trump on its platform continues to generate [Read More]