In what could be a big game-changer, Amazon has just opened up Sidewalk, a long-range, low-bandwidth [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
In what could be a big game-changer, Amazon has just opened up Sidewalk, a long-range, low-bandwidth [Read More]
Ever since Amazon unveiled its futuristic delivery drones last year, there has been much speculation [Read More]
Within the digital marketing industry, there’s an interesting little hypothesis about the future of [Read More]
Everywhere you look, it seems, our digital devices are collecting information and data about us. [Read More]
In an effort to leverage the current momentum around social media influencers, Amazon has launched [Read More]
It’s hard to ignore the fact that 2018 was a rough year for Facebook. Starting in March, when the [Read More]
The best time to enter any new marketing space is before the competition arrives, and that’s [Read More]
We’re already in the midst of a massive technological transformation in how news is made, how it is [Read More]
Given how much of a success Amazon’s voice-based AI assistant Alexa has been for the company, it was [Read More]
Ever since Eli Pariser wrote his acclaimed book “The Filter Bubble” in 2011, people have been [Read More]
If early signs are any indication, the 2017 holiday season will look a lot different than previous [Read More]
All the biggest social networks – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest – have experimented [Read More]