And here we go! Everywhere we look these days, it seems like the big social media giants are [Read More]

Latest news, best practices, & emerging trends in social media
And here we go! Everywhere we look these days, it seems like the big social media giants are [Read More]
As much as Facebook tries to market itself as a warm and fuzzy company connecting friends and [Read More]
Just a few years ago, many people warned that the world of traditional publishing was in trouble. [Read More]
Social media is at an important inflection point. Either social media companies like Facebook and [Read More]
When it comes to modern warfare, just about the only thing that we can be assured of is that the [Read More]
In the search for innovative new business models, the moguls of the traditional media publishing [Read More]
Major data breaches continue to happen across social media platforms, and there are no signs that [Read More]
There’s still nobody talking about Microsoft being one of the biggest social media companies. That, [Read More]
The newest update for Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS 14.5) is perhaps the biggest one in [Read More]
Is this for real? Could Google be telling the truth? For more than a year, the Silicon Valley giant [Read More]
Arguably, NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover has the most popular social media feed in the solar system. [Read More]
In just the past few months, an entirely new art market has emerged for a type of digital asset [Read More]
If you thought the whole brouhaha over Chinese social media platform TikTok was a big deal, just [Read More]
Given all the controversy that has surrounded Twitter over the past twelve months - especially its [Read More]
On the surface, the announcement of a new chatbot patent would not seem to be earth-shattering news. [Read More]
If you buy into the argument that “data is the new oil,” then it’s clear that power in the new [Read More]
Twitter deserves credit for continuing to push for more innovative features on its social networking [Read More]
Remember the good old days when big social media giants like Facebook and Twitter actually pretended [Read More]
Day trading is once again popular, due to three key factors: the appearance of no-commission trading [Read More]
If you’re looking for a competitive advantage with your social media strategy, one of the easiest [Read More]
Mention the words “social media,” and most people instinctively think of the biggest U.S. social [Read More]
When it comes to facial recognition technology, 2021 is already shaping up to be a pivotal year. On [Read More]
It’s not an understatement to say that 2020 shaped up to be one of the craziest and most unexpected [Read More]
When you think about satellites circling the Earth, you probably think about NASA or perhaps Elon [Read More]
In June, the San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research lab OpenAI officially released a [Read More]