Photo Credit: Shutterstock
It’s hard to believe, but it’s been one full year since I launched Social Media HQ Blog. I’m certainly thankful to all the great people who have helped and supported Social Media HQ over the past 12 months. If there’s one overriding lesson that I’ve learned during that time period, it’s that the entrepreneurial world has its share of ups and downs. Thankfully, there have been more ups than downs over the past year.
My work with Social Media HQ has taught me that it’s important to believe in yourself and go after your passion. Life is too short to do otherwise. In my case, the moment I stopped listening to negative advice and self-doubt is the moment success started to happen for me. Building long-term value is what matters to me.
What did we achieve over the past year?
One of the big highlights of the past 12 months was getting the Social Media HQ blog syndicated to the Oracle Marketing Cloud and article links being shared by publishing sites like TechCrunch. This helps to set the blog up for long-term success, including new consulting opportunities.
And it’s clear that we’re really starting to gain traction with Social Media HQ. Some of the articles that have appeared on the Social Media HQ blog have become some of the most popular on the Internet. For example, the blog currently ranks 1# or 2# depending on the day in Google search for the search term “social media virtual reality.” That’s based on over 12,000,000 articles that Google currently indexes for the term – and that’s even when going head-to-head with some of the most popular tech sites on the Internet.
There’s still more to be done, and I’m certainly working on some creative partnership ideas to carry me into 2018, but it’s nice to see the kind of momentum that has been achieved in just 12 months.
So where do we go from here?
There’s obviously a growing community around Social Media HQ that shows no signs of stopping. You can see the kind of excitement that companies like Facebook bring to social media on a regular basis, so there’s obviously a bright future ahead.
And, of course, there will be more partnerships and relationships. It’s called social media for a reason, right? So it’s been really gratifying to see some of my online social media relationships transform into offline relationships as well.
As part of that broader growth strategy, I’m planning on developing daily videos (YouTube channel launches early 2018) and podcasts around the articles being published on Social Media HQ. That could lead to further scaling of the brand and who knows maybe some speaking engagements. It really is an exciting time to be in social media, and I’m looking forward to even more growth and success in 2018. Thanks to everyone who has been part of this journey!!!!
Listen to my journey: I was interviewed by Deb Kreir in April 2017 about the journey of Social Media HQ and where social media marketing is heading.