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By any standard, social media marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk (or “Gary Vee,” as his fans love to call him) has mastered the art of standing out in a noisy social world. For years, Gary has been packaging up all of his thoughts on hustle, passion, self-awareness and business success – and continually found new outlets to develop his personal brand. So what exactly is Gary Vee’s winning formula for social media, podcast and video?
#1: Constantly build the personal brand
In the early days, Gary Vee connected via blog content and social media. Now, he’s pushing the envelope with every new communication platform as it emerges. Whether it’s Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube or podcasting – Gary Vee seems to be one step ahead of the curve. Each new platform is one more way to develop his personal brand.
Take his popular YouTube show, for example. The name of the show tells you everything you need to know – it’s just a hashtag and his name: #AskGaryVee. That perfectly captures the online zeitgeist and describes his personal brand. He’s there to help – and he’s just a hashtag away. That simple hashtag has also become the basis for his bestselling book, #AskGaryVee.
#2: Look for ways to cross-pollinate your content
Gary Vee’s podcast is called “The Gary Vaynerchuk Audio Experience,” and it’s really a “best of” mix of all of his audio content. It includes audio clips from keynote speeches at marketing and business events, highlights from his daily videos, and partial episodes from the #AskGaryVee YouTube show. In other words, Gary Vee has found a great way to cross-pollinate all of his content and find new uses for it.
This is the same mentality that any brand can take. If you’re creating a lot of video content, figure out how to share and distribute it across social platforms. If you’re creating a lot of written content, figure out how to slice and dice it for different formats. For example, you can use book chapters as blog posts, or blog posts as the basic fodder for social media posts.
#3: Have a unique story to tell
If you listen to and read Gary Vee, you’ll notice that he always talks about creating a “manifesto” and having a story to tell the world. And Gary Vee does more than just “talk the talk” – he also walks the walk. His famous saying “Crush It” became the inspirational manifesto of how to turn your passion in life into a business success. His weekly email that goes out to subscribers is called “The Hustler’s Digest” – and it feeds in perfectly with his manifesto that people need to be constantly getting out there, starting stuff instead of just talking about stuff. (One of his most popular YouTube videos is simply called “How to Start.”)
All of these diverse elements – his work with social media, his “Audio Experience” podcast and his #AskGaryVee YouTube series – have made Gary Vaynerchuk a true celebrity, not just in the world of business and marketing, but also in pop culture as well. His latest brand extension is a reality TV show for Apple Music called “Planet of the Apps,” the first-ever original Apple TV show featuring fellow celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Will.i.am. It’s the ultimate sign that Gary Vaynerchuk has crushed it. After years of jab, jab, jab, he just landed another massive right hook!!!!